A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.
Conventionally a computer consists of some form of memory for data storage, at least one element that carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control element that can change the order of operations based on the information that is stored. Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from an external source and allow the results of operations to be sent out.
A computer's processing unit executes series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment.
A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
1- Peripheral: adj , periferico
2- Conventionally: adv, convencional
3_ sequencing: n , secuenciacion
2. Idea principal del texto (en español): habla de lo que es una computadora o ordenador, y de su utilidad.
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
- Palabras de contenido: computer, machine
- Palabras de Función: of, The
- Verbos: can, from
- Adverbio: automatically , Conventionally
- Adjetivo: a, from
- Artículo:
- Preposiciones: of, to
- Conjunción:
- Cognados verdaderos: programmable, data
- cognados Falsos:
- Sufijo: automatically , Conventionally
- Prefijos:
· B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
· Selecciona 2 oraciones completas de tu texto (las oraciones deben ir de punto a punto.. asegurate que no tienen comas)
· Oracion 1: A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations.Una computadora es una máquina programable diseñado para transportar de forma secuencial y automáticamente una secuencia de operaciones aritméticas o lógica
· Frase nominal: A computer
· Nucleo de la frase nominal:
· Pre modificadores: computer
· Post modificadores: is a programmable machine
· Frase verbal: a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations.Una computadora
· Nucleo de la frase verbal: A computer is a programmable machine
· Tiempo verbal: presente simple
Oracion 2: Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from an external source and allow the results of operations to be sent out.
Los dispositivos periféricos permiten que la información se accede desde una fuente externa y permitir que los resultados de las operaciones para ser enviados.
· Frase nominal: Peripheral devices
Nucleo de la frase nominal: Peripheral devices allow information
Pre modificadores: Peripheral devices
Post modificadores:
Nucleo de la frase nominal: Peripheral devices allow information
Pre modificadores: Peripheral devices
Post modificadores:
· Frase verbal:
· Nucleo de la frase verbal:
Tiempo verbal:
Tiempo verbal:
· Unidad 3
· C. Técnicas de lectura: predicción, scanning y skimming
· Limited-function early computers
· The Jacquard loom, on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, England, was one of the first programmable devices.
· The history of the modern computer begins with two separate technologies—automated calculation and programmability—but no single device can be identified as the earliest computer, partly because of the inconsistent application of that term. A few devices are worth mentioning though, like some mechanical aids to computing, which were very successful and survived for centuries until the advent of the electronic calculator, like the Sumerian abacus, designed around 2500 BC[4] which descendant won a speed competition against a modern desk calculating machine in Japan in 1946,[5] the slide rules, invented in the 1620s, which were carried on five Apollo space missions, including to the moon[6] and arguably the astrolabe and the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient astronomical computer built by the Greeks around 80 BC.[7] The Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria (c. 10–70 AD) built a mechanical theater which performed a play lasting 10 minutes and was operated by a complex system of ropes and drums that might be considered to be a means of deciding which parts of the mechanism performed which actions and when.[8] This is the essence of programmability.
· Around the end of the tenth century, the French monk Gerbert d'Aurillac brought back from Spain the drawings of a machine invented by the Moors that answered Yes or No to the questions it was asked (binary arithmetic).[9] Again in the thirteenth century, the monks Albertus Magnus and Roger Bacon built talking androids without any further development (Albertus Magnus complained that he had wasted forty years of his life when Thomas Aquinas, terrified by his machine, destroyed it).[10]
· In 1642, the Renaissance saw the invention of the mechanical calculator,[11] a device that could perform all four arithmetic operations without relying on human intelligence.[12] The mechanical calculator was at the root of the development of computers in two separate ways ; initially, it is in trying to develop more powerful and more flexible calculators[13] that the computer was first theorized by Charles Babbage[14][15] and then developed,[16] leading to the development of mainframe computers in the 1960s, but also the microprocessor, which started the personal computer revolution, and which is now at the heart of all computer systems regardless of size or purpose,[17] was invented serendipitously by Intel[18] during the development of an electronic calculator, a direct descendant to the mechanical
· Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen.
· Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
· De acuerdo al título y la imagen: ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Habla de las primeras computadoera y su funcionamiento.
· Luego lea el texto
¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
El telar de Jacquard, que se exhibe en el Museo de Ciencia e Industria de Manchester, Inglaterra, fue uno de los dispositivos programables en primer lugar.
¿Que palabras se repiten? Mechanical, machine, computer
¿Que palabras se repiten? Mechanical, machine, computer
¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
No tiene palabra en español
¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Limited-function early computers: funcionalidad limitada las primeras computadoras
¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo. Habla del telar de Jacquard, que se exhibe en el Museo de Ciencia e Industria de Manchester, Inglaterra.
Habla de dos monjes que crearon unos androides sin ninguna utilidad.
Unidad 4
Unidad 4
· Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo
· A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia.
Semiconductors and microprocessors
Computers using vacuum tubes as their electronic elements were in use throughout the 1950s, but by the 1960s had been largely replaced by transistor-based machines, which were smaller, faster, cheaper to produce, required less power, and were more reliable. The first transistorised computer was demonstrated at the University of Manchester in 1953.[31] In the 1970s, integrated circuit technology and the subsequent creation of microprocessors, such as the Intel 4004, further decreased size and cost and further increased speed and reliability of computers. By the late 1970s, many products such as video recorders contained dedicated computers called microcontrollers, and they started to appear as a replacement to mechanical controls in domestic appliances such as washing machines. The 1980s witnessed home computers and the now ubiquitous personal computer. With the evolution of the Internet, personal computers are becoming as common as the television and the telephone in the household[citation needed].Modern smartphones are fully programmable computers in their own right, and as of 2009 may well be the most common form of such computers in existence.
· Escriba cual es la idea general del párrafo: habla de modernos ordenadores son totalmente programables por derecho propio, y a partir de 2009 bien puede ser la forma más común de estos equipos en existencia
· Lea el texto y extraiga los marcadores de definición.
· B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras de secuencia u Ordenamiento del tiempo.
· Marcadores de Tiempo
Buena suerte a todos y sigan brillando amor y paz!
Buena suerte a todos y sigan brillando amor y paz!
· Doris3m
· Labels: informaticva educativa, taller final
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